Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Upcoming MC Dance Academy Studio Events:

June 2nd Studio Performance
June 23rd West Fest
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

  YEAR END Dance RECITAL Murray Park Amphitheater
Tuesday June 26th   Warm up & Check in 5:00pm     Tumbling Pre-show 5:30pm    Main show 6:00pm    

ALL Class Parties June 19th-21th          
You can bring a treat to share.

Monday, January 30, 2012


1stTuition Due

7-9 Pink & Red Week (wear something pink or red to class, treat trade last 10 minutes of class)

10thTuition Late

10th – Sweetheart Dance

14th – Valentine’s Day

21st – President’s Day



Studio Sweethearts Dance

6:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Friday February 10th

$1 a person

(Fancy Dress Preferred)

This dance is open to everyone you know, Grandpa’s & Grandma’s, Aunt’s & Uncle’s are ALL invited!! **The Dancer that sells the most tickets will be crowned “QUEEN” or “KING” during the Sweethearts dance!

Studio Pictures April 14h Times to come later

Studio Yearend Recital
Murray Park Amphitheatre
Tuesday June 26th
5:00 pm – check in
5:30 pm – Tumbling Pre-show
6:00 pm– 8:00 pm Show